State Mineral Indexes

Friends of Mineralogy members are coordinating the compilation of State Mineral Indexes.  Knowledgable indidividuals have been encouraged to compile and publish articles on the subject and other authors have submitted unsolicited papers on the subject.  Although all the indices listed below were written by the authors indicated, some of these indices were written independently of any efforts by FM to encourage completion of indices for all states.  The following is a compilation of State Mineral Indexes which have been published.

State Publication Year Author
Alabama * R&M 70; 320-333 1995 L.S. Dean
Arkansas * R&M 63; 104-125 1988 A.E. Smith
California MR 20; 129-142 1989 A.R. Kampf et. al.
Colorado MR 10; 323-328 1979 B.L. Muntyan
Connecticut R&M 70; 396-409 1995 M.H. Webber / E.C. Sullivan
Georgia * R&M 64; 184-209 1989 J.B. Gordon
Hawaii * Rocks & Minerals; V 92, No. 3, p. 218-237 2017 Eric Heinen De Carlo and Bryan Swoboda
Idaho * R&M 70; 242-255 1995 L.R. Ream
Illinois R&M 85; 206-219 2010 Arthur E. Smith
Indiana R&M 61; 136-151 1986 T.E. Huizing / R.E. Russell
Iowa * R&M 77; 404-413 2002 A.E. Smith / H.L. Prior
Kentucky R&M 81; 420-437 2006 Alan Goldstein
Lousiana * R&M 69; 156-162 1994 A.E. Smith
Massachusetts  Massachusetts Mineral and Fossil localities, 116 p. 1978 Peter P. Gleba, self published., Online version:


Michigan R&M 58; 197-213 1983 T. Morris,Jr
Missouri * R&M 73; 98-117 1998 M.D. Sherwood / G.A. Williams
Montana R&M 87; No. 3 2012 Michael Gobla
Nevada * R&M 74; 370-379 1999 S. Pullman / R. Thomssen
New Hampshire R&M 80; 242-261 2005 A.E. Smith
New Jersey The Mineral Collector, v. 11, no. 8, p. 122-125; no. 9, p. 137-141; no. 10, p. 150-153 1904  W. S. Valiant
New Mexico R&M 67; 314-329 1992 R.S. DeMark
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio, Part 1 * R&M 65; 512-540 1990 E.H. Carlson
Ohio, Part 2 * R&M 77; 306-314 2002 E.H. Carlson
Oklahoma * R&M 72; 252-264 1997 A.E. Smith et. al.
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota * R&M 75; 156-169 2000 A.E. Smith /E. Fritzsch
Tennessee R&M 86; 300-328 2011 Updated by A.E. Smith
Texas * R&M 66; 196-224 1991 A.E. Smith
Utah * R&M 68; 381-393 1993 P.D. Richardson et. al.
Vermont * R&M 71; 324-338 1996 V.T. King / J.W. Cares
Virginia R&M 60; 164-170 1985 D.A. Penick,Jr
Washington R&M 66; 286-292 1991 L.R. Ream
West Virginia
Wisconsin * R&M 73; 378-399 1998 W.S. Cordua
Wyoming * R&M 76; 380-391 2001 N.D. Hausel / M.I. Jacobson
* = Available per the July/August 2005 R&M v. 80, p. 257.
R&M = Rocks and Minerals magazine.
MR = Mineralogical Record magazine.

Publication of the indexes is dependent on available articles and publication space as determined by magazine editors.  Authors interested in participating in this effort should contact the FM President and the information will be forwarded to the coordinating FM board member.

State Mineralogy Books